Wednesday Guest Spotlight!

Wednesday Guest Spotlight brings us fun facts about our 2017 Attending Guests.

Michael Ray Williams has played a vampire award earning him the nickname Michael Ray “Prettier than a Cullen” Williams.  ConChair Jada Diaz even presented him with a jar full of glitter labeled “Edward Cullen’s Ashes”.

You can check out Dimensional Riffs at their bandcamp site.

Kalayna Price says her stories contain not only the mystical elements of fantasy, but also a dash of romance, a bit of gritty horror, some humor, and a large serving of mystery.

Chuck Carte’s neighbors wonder why he is building so many strange looking blue outhouses in his yard.

Puvithel is not only an artist but also a scientist.

Sherman NerdBurger358 Burriss is a dilettante and unapologetic dabbler.

If you have never read Jaysen Buterin facebook posts, your life is severely lacking in amazing feats of the use of the english language . . . and hashtags.

Tom Gore is a decorated Apache Longbow Helicopter pilot. Thank you for your 20 years of service to our country, Tom.

Bill Mulligan built Christopher  Moore’s infamous Knobby the Knob Goblin

Hawthorn and Holly – here is a music video to introduce you to Hawthorn and Holly.  Did you know their name is taken from the wands used in the Harry Potter series.