Please welcome our 2018 Mistress of Ceremonies – Monique N. Stewart!

With Spat Oktan having to cancel his appearance, we are pleased to welcome Monique N. Stewart as our 2018 Mistress of Ceremonies.

Monique N Stewart is a making her Mistress of Ceremonies debut at ConCarolinas but she is no stranger to the realm of geek. She wears any number of hats when she is not entertaining her throngs of admirers. She is a grossly underpaid counselor, a college student, a poetress, a mother, and also a transporter of the huddle masses in Fort Mill, SC…all of which she can draw on for inspiration. Her significant other Derrick has been her mentor in all things sports and geek. Always outgoing and open for new adventures , Monique da’lovely is a delightful addition to our fandom family. She is outgoing and likes to try new things or adventures.